Your Taxi Service in Seatttle
Your Taxi Service in Seattle and King County

This Is Saytaxi
Ever wondered what the 21st century taxi would be like? We did too.
Saytaxi is the easiest way to get a cab from your iPhone or Android!
We connect you with cab drivers for a safe and convenient ride. We only network with taxicab drivers who are clean, friendly, prompt and always able to accept credit cards.
A Reliable Way To Get Around

Set pickup location

Check the status

Pay with cash or card

We Help You Get Around
It is frustrating to see how outdated are some things around us. Taxi service is one of those dinosaurs that remained with us to the 21st century.
We at Saytaxi are doing our best to level the playing field for your growing expectations. Making things better little by little we are helping you get more out of your day, eventually becoming a better person.
All The Best,
The 'Saytaxi Seattle' Team